Rondout Valley Rod &
Gun Club Inc.
2024 Calendar of Events
Rondout Valley Rod & Gun Club
April 2nd club meeting at 7:30pm
30th bod meeting 7:30pm
May 4th Women’s Appreciation Dinner & Chinese Auction 6: 30pm 7th club meeting at 7:30pm
28th bod meeting 7:30pm
June 4th club meeting at 7:30pm
15th Spaghetti & Meatball dinner & Raffle night 6:30pm
25th bod meeting at 7:30pm
July 2nd club meeting at 7:30pm
30th bod meeting at 7:30pm
August 6th club meeting at 7:30pm
27th bod meeting at 7:30pm
September 3rd club meeting at 7:30pm
24th bod meeting at 7:30pm
October 1st club meeting at 7:30pm
26th bod meeting at 7:30pm
November 5th club meeting at 7:30pm
26th bod meeting at 7:30pm
December 3rd club meeting at 7:30pm
9th Wild Game Dinner, Holiday Party, & Chinese Auction at 6:30pm
31st bod meeting will be cancelled
January 1st Dues are Due
7th club meeting at 7:30pm
28th bod meeting at 7:30pm
February 4th club meeting at 7:30pm
25th bod meeting at 7:30pm
March 4th club meeting at 7:30pm
25th board of directors (bod) meeting 7:30pm
All dates are subject to change. More info on events will appear on the web site as the date’s approach. Post on your refrigerator.