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Membership Application and Information

The application is in a PDF link below. It must be filled out and submitted with fees at the monthly club meeting( first Tuesday of each month ).

You can also pickup applications in the box on the wall at the clubhouse door, or from the membership secretary.

The dues for a Regular membership are $80 a year, and a one time administrative fee of $20.00. 

Junior membership are free from the age of 12 until their 16th birthday but must submit a one time initiation fee of $20.

A Lifetime membership is free to any member who is 65 or older who has been a member for at least 10 years.

The dues year now runs from January 1st to December 31st. Dues are prorated in half at the July meeting for new members.


If you have any questions about the application process you can email the membership secretary  Terry Ringler at

Membership Application

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